It seems to have been a busy few weeks. I have been working on a new story, 6000 words. It took over my life for a week or two. Meanwhile I was pleased to hear, from Dr Nora Gold editor of the Online Journal Jewish, which comes from Ontario, Canada, that they would like to publish my last but one story – `Words.`
It`s winter again, and I`ve had another cold. Fortunately it has gone now, but as it took me over a year to completely get over the last cold (a post-viral episode, like the two long ones I had all those years ago,) I am not completely confident that this one will let me get back to normal activity levels. Need to be careful. Need psychological tools too – I`m not young (an understatement!) and if I feel weak and washed out it`s hard not to think: what must really be the matter, then?
The creative writing group at Trinity Church has attracted more than half a dozen people, but the problem was they came at different times! The final group will take place on Thursday November 21st, and then I`ll hope to start again in January. Get in touch if you are interested.