It`s 2 years since I have added anything to my website. Seems I have almost forgotten how to do it….

It`s 2 years since I have added anything to my website. Seems I have almost forgotten how to do it….
I was happy to see my short story collection, ‘Tell it Not,’ published by Red Heifer Press USA, for two reasons. The first – well anyone would be pleased wouldn`t they? The second – well, ten of the seventeen had already appeared, in journals, or collections. This fact gave my inner doubting self a reason […]
Some good news regarding my story collection, title Tell it Not. At least I assume that is why there have suddenly been a number of hits on my (slightly old-fashioned did you say?) website – in the USA. There have been one or two people, both here and elsewhere who have ordered the book, and […]
Along with several million others, I watched the final episode of Happy Valley, and appreciated till the last flicker on the screen the huge talent of Sally Wainwright, and all the actors and the crew. I was surprised and moved at the way the story twisted, so that at the end, we saw an attempt […]
I’ve called this blog Chanukah and Christmas because the festivals are approaching, both of them. Perhaps as a reaction to Candlesticks and its endless focus on both religions, I have relished being free-thinking, and secular in the weeks since it ended. So much happening, I think. I feel the need to do an end of […]
This is the last week of Candlesticks at The White Bear, and once again, my thanks to Jenny Eastop, of Mercurius Theatre Company, and the cast, Mary Tillett, Sophie McMahon, Kathryn Worth and James Duddy, and to Michael Kingsbury, Artistic Director of The White Bear. Monday night we went to see `Ravenscourt,` at Hampstead Theatre, […]
Candlesticks opened on Tuesday night, and tonight, its third show, is press night. A full house, I gather, and of course Jeff and I will be going along. Because the play was done before, and because the script has been honed, scrubbed and polished, I don`t feel afraid of it. It is what it is, […]
The last month has flown by. Spent a week in France at the end of August. Got back in time for the start of rehearsals for Candlesticks. (Have I mentioned this before perhaps?) I have been at quite a few of the rehearsals, opting out from a few because whether it is the lingering effects […]
I am aware, sadly that people die at all ages. Two of my friends – brilliant women, full of hope for their futures – died, both of them at 42. I never forget them. I have known other people since who have lost mothers, sisters or friends at tragically young ages. That said, it remains […]
Please see below what will shortly be on the White Bear Theatre`s website. Seems quite a few people, and groups are already interested. Meanwhile, I am continuing to proof-read my short stories in the collection, soon to be published, Tell it Not. So everything is fine, apart from three things. One – the weather. Far […]